Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Journal #3

Journal #3-from chapter 3 We are slaves, deprived of every right, exposed to every insult, condemned to certain death, but we still possess one power, and must defend it with all our strength for it is the last-the power to refuse our consent. I honestly didn't understand chapter 3 or felt the same as chapter 1 and 2. However, as I continued to read, I came across this passage. Out of all the quotes and passages, I think this passage shows hope. As I said in my past diaries that if I was a Jew I would have no hope and there would be no point of doing anything, but this passage proved me wrong. I expected that most Jews would have already given up their lives, but one man, Steinlauf changed my views. Unlike Levi, Steinlauf washed himself and kept himself clean. Instead of thinking that all these things was a waste of energy and thinking that we will all die, we are all about to die, Steinlauf believed that even if we die that the Jews should keep their pride and dignity. Giving up hope is the same as giving up to the SS and to the Germans. The Jews should be determined to live and refuse to give up so easily. Even if there was no hope in the camps, some people were actually willing to survive. To survive at this situation was a miracle, but even if the Jews had to go through hard labor and live as a slave, giving up was not accepted to Steinlauf. Steinlauf believed that he had power to his life, not the SS or the Germans. He was going to refuse the SS or the Germans to take his power and leave him hopeless. I think this made me think different if I was a Jew. If I was Levi, I may think that Steinlauf was wasting his time and energy, but from Steinlauf I would be determined to live and not let the SS or the Germans take my life.

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